Organisational subscriptions

国外三大云平台免费额度&计费标准 - 简书:国外三大云平台免费额度&计费标准 GCP:谷歌云 AWS:亚马逊云 AZURE:微软云 这三家云服务商的产品线丰富且复杂,价格也比较昂贵。但均提供1年的免费试用服务,免费额度对于个人网站、S*R伕理等已 …To find out more about how they can support your organisation's needs, please enquire below.

RCNi is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Royal College of Nursing. RCNi produces 11 nursing publications including Nursing Standard, the UK's best-selling nursing journal, and a range of specialist journals. RCNi also hosts the annual Nurse Awards, celebrating excellence in nursing, and the RCN Bulletin Jobs Fairs, the largest recruitment events for nurses in the UK.


Developed to help your nurses meet the NMC’s revalidation requirements, RCNi Portfolio lets them store, build and track their evidence in one easy to manage online space. It includes access to 50 CPD articles and interactive self-assessment exercises to test your staff’s knowledge, that can be saved directly to the portfolio once completed.

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RCNi Portfolio


RCNi Learning has been designed to help qualified and student nurses enhance their skills and meet CPD requirements, so they can give the best possible patient care. It gives your staff access to 198 interactive, online learning modules covering over 40 topics. All modules are RCN accredited  and promote best practice and effective learning outcomes.

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RCNi Learning


RCNi publishes 10 leading journals, which cover most specialisms in nursing. Each journal will provide your staff and students with the latest practice guidelines and peer-reviewed clinical and research articles, to keep them up to date with any new developments in their field. You can subscribe to individual journal titles or the Complete Collection.

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RCNi Journals

Many organisations choose to subscribe to multiple RCNi resources in order to ensure their nurses have access to everything they need to stay up to date with best practice, complete their revalidation requirements and deliver exceptional patient care. If you are interested in finding out  more about all our resources, please enquire below.

The full RCNi package

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